本篇為作者之前於課堂上自行實作的專案,僅為筆記用途,實驗目的為使用文章預測隔日股價可能落點。 實驗分為三大部分: 1.文章:爬取PTT股票版的文章,並透過情緒字典轉換成該篇文章的分數,以日期計算當天所有文章累計的情緒分數。 2.股價:測試標的為台積電ADR,轉換為漲跌幅後以KMean分成十群(預設),以分群後的區間作為預測目標。 3.分類:模型使用貝式分類器,訓練方法為以預測當日前一天文章的情緒分數和股價作為訓練資料,因此預測時只要將前一天的情緒分數喂入分類器,便能預測當日股價。
儲存及讀取 JSON File 透過Utils物件。
import json
class Utils():
def write_json_to_file(json_data, json_file_path):
with open(json_file_path, 'w') as out_file:
json.dump(json_data, out_file)
return 1
def read_json_from_file(json_file_path):
with open(json_file_path) as data_file:
data = json.load(data_file)
return data
import json,time
import os.path
import jieba,re
import datetime
import hashlib
from libs.Crawler_and_Share.load_data_from_mysql import load_data_from_mysql
class PostData():
def __init__(self):
self.post_data = load_data_from_mysql(data_name = 'Stock')
print("Get data from DB done")
def get_emotion_dict(self, path = "chinese-corpus/emotion-dic/taiwan/", dict_list = ['NTUSD_positive_simplified.txt','NTUSD_negative_simplified.txt']):
#load emotion dict
def get_emotion_dict_from_file(path, emotion_score):
emotion_dict = {}
with open(path, 'r') as f:
for line in f:
key = line.strip()
emotion_dict[key] = int(emotion_score)
return emotion_dict
emotion_dict = {}
for dl in dict_list:
#using file name to check the file is positive dictionary or negative dictionary
emo_score = 1 if 'positive' in dl.lower() else -1
#combine with exist emotion dictionary
emotion_dict={**emotion_dict, **get_emotion_dict_from_file(path + dl, emo_score)}
return emotion_dict
def calc_emotion_score(self, seg_list, emotion_dict):
for word in seg_list:
if word in emotion_dict:
if emotion_dict[word] < 0:
news_negative_score += abs(emotion_dict[word])
news_positive_score += emotion_dict[word]
return news_positive_score, news_negative_score
def custom_clean_article(self ,article):
article = re.sub('[\d]', '', article)
article = re.sub('[\n]', '', article)
return article
def seg_article(self, article):
return list(filter(None, jieba.cut(article, cut_all=True)))
def make_post_data(self, json_file_path = "newsJSONData.json"):
json_data = {"parsedMD5":[], "dayScore":{}, "startDate": time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")}
for post in self.post_data.iterrows():
#calculate MD5 of article
article_MD5 = hashlib.md5(post[1]['clean_article'].encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
#if the article have been parsed before, there's no need to parse again
if article_MD5 not in json_data["parsedMD5"]:
#get the date of the article
article_date = post[1]['date']
#change the date to regular format, EX:date format:2007-07-24 13:10:49 to 2007-07-24
article_date_format = datetime.datetime.strptime(article_date, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S').strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
#if the date is before 1911-01-01 ,means incorrect date
if article_date_format < datetime.datetime.strptime('1911-01-01', '%Y-%m-%d').strftime("%Y-%m-%d"):
#update the oldest date
if article_date_format < json_data["startDate"]:
json_data["startDate"] = article_date_format
article_date = str(article_date_format)
#if json do not contains the day's score, initialize day score
if article_date not in json_data["dayScore"]:
json_data["dayScore"][article_date] = [0, 0]
#use the value of clean_article as article
article = post[1]['clean_article']
#using custom cleaner to clean the data
article = self.custom_clean_article(article)
#segment the article
seg_list = self.seg_article(article)
#get emotion dictionary
emotion_dict = self.get_emotion_dict()
#calculate the emotion score
news_positive_score, news_negative_score = self.calc_emotion_score(seg_list, emotion_dict)
#add positive score
json_data["dayScore"][article_date][0] += news_positive_score
#add negative score
json_data["dayScore"][article_date][1] += news_negative_score
#add MD5 to list for record the document have been parsed before
#write to json file
Utils.write_json_to_file(json_data, json_file_path)
print("The file have been made at " + json_file_path)
常見的分類模型行為可分為訓練及預測,因此可以直接實作本介面,在Main Function中不需有太大變動。
class ClassificationModel:
def __init__(self):
def train(self,training_data, training_labels):
def predict(self, predict_data):
from sklearn.naive_bayes import GaussianNB
class GaussianNaiveBayesClassification(ClassificationModel):
def __init__(self):
self.model = GaussianNB()
def train(self,training_data, training_labels):
self.model.fit(training_data, training_labels)
def predict(self, predict_data):
return self.model.predict(predict_data)
import pandas_datareader.data as web
class PriceData():
def __init__(self, start, end, company = "TSM", source = 'google'):
#fetch data from google
self.f = web.DataReader(company, source, start, end)
dates = self._change_date_format()
self.date_per_change = self._calc_date_price_percentage(dates)
def _change_date_format(self):
#check date format
dates =[]
for x in range(len(self.f)):
newdate = str(self.f.index[x])
newdate = newdate[0:10]
return dates
def _calc_date_price_percentage(self, dates):
#store date(key) and change percentage(value) into dictonary
#change to percentage
last_day_index = 0
for date in dates:
current_day_index = self.f.loc[date]['Close']
if dates.index(current_day_date)!=0:
#change to percentage
#if it's the very first day, there's no index to compare so just pass it
current_day_change_percentage=(current_day_index-last_day_index)*100 / last_day_index if last_day_index !=0 else 0
#put into dictionary
date_price_percentage[current_day_date] = current_day_change_percentage
last_day_index = current_day_index
return date_price_percentage
def get_price_data(self):
return self.date_per_change
主要業務邏輯的實作,詳細實作的邏輯已在註解中描述。但要注意的是,本實驗沒有設定測試資料集,僅將整個訓練資料集輸入做預測,如需設定測試資料集,僅須將training_emotion, clustering_result兩物件分割即可。
from datetime import datetime,timedelta
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
import numpy as np
import os,json,time
import datetime as dt
import os.path
def normalize_emotion_score(emotion_score_list):
total_score=sum(emotion_score_list) + 1
return [float(score) / total_score for score in emotion_score_list]
def pare_training_data(date_price, date_article_score):
for date in date_article_score:
date_format=datetime.strptime(date, "%Y-%m-%d")
#add one day
next_day=str((date_format + timedelta(days = 1)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d"))
if (next_day in date_price) and (normalize_emotion_score(date_article_score[date])!=0):
return training_index,training_emotion
#clustering the stock price with n cluster, where n is cluster number
def price_clustering(training_index, n = 10):
X = np.array(training_index)
kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=n, random_state=0).fit(X)
clustering_result = kmeans.labels_
clustering_center = kmeans.cluster_centers_
return np.array(clustering_result), clustering_center
def main():
#read date score from json
json_file_path = "newsJSONData.json"
#if the file does not exist, then it will load the data from database, which was provided by
if not os.path.exists(json_file_path):
pdata = PostData()
json_data = Utils.read_json_from_file(json_file_path)
#initial date we need to fetch
start_date = json_data['startDate']
date_article_score = json_data['dayScore']
#EX : date_article_score={"2016-12-05":[4,3],"2016-12-06":[1,1],"2016-12-07":[3,10],"2016-12-08":[3,9]}
#set end date at 2018-02-07
end_date = datetime.strptime('2018-02-07', '%Y-%m-%d').strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
print("Article start date:" + str(start_date))
print("Set up analyze end date:" + str(end_date))
#init data
data = PriceData(start_date, end_date, company = "TSM",source = 'google')
#get date price
date_price = data.get_price_data()
#combine date price and date score
training_index, training_emotion = pare_training_data(date_price, date_article_score)
#clustering the price into n group, where n by default is set to 10.
#it will retuurn the clustering result of each data and the center of each group
clustering_result, clustering_center= price_clustering(training_index, n = 10)
cm = GaussianNaiveBayesClassification()
#Using clustering result to train classification model.
cm.train(training_emotion, clustering_result)
#using the end date to test it can work or not
end_date = str(end_date)
if end_date in date_article_score and (normalize_emotion_score(date_article_score[end_date])!=0):
today_emotion_score = normalize_emotion_score(date_article_score[end_date])
#working correct
print("Index close price might close to "+str(clustering_center[cm.predict(np.array([today_emotion_score]))]))
#working wrong
print("Something Wrong...")
if __name__ == "__main__":